Rheinhotel Starkenburger Hof
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Všeobecné informace
Bed-and-breakfast hotel in the town centre, right beside the Rhine. 30 rooms with shower/WC or bath/WC, cable TV and WiFi connection. A lavish breakfast buffet rounds off your stay.
Our hotel is situated right on the Rhine and Nahe cycle trails, the RheinBurgenWeg and Soonwaldsteig hiking trails, not far from the Rheintal Congress Centre and boat landing stages. Open 24 hours, Monday to Saturday. Night porter. Sunday arrivals subject to prior telephone arrangement. Bicycle garage. Three- and four-bed rooms available.
Dodatečné informace
Garantierte Anreise bis 18 Uhr. Spätere Anreise muß dem Hotel mitgeteilt werden.
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