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Whisky-Tasting > Whisky-Weltreise <

Restaurant & Whiskymuseum Kyrburg | Kirn | Ferienregion Kirn-Land | Naheland | Rheinland-Pfalz
Kyrburg 1, DE-55606, Kirn
Telefon: +49 6752-91190
2025. jún. 28., Szo
Wine and culinary delights (Gourmet, Kulinarik) | Gastronomie (Eventgastronomie) | Zene (blues / jazz / gospel)
ZG Vielseitig Aktive (R) | ZG Städte-Genießer (L) | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (O) | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (L) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (L) | ZG Städte-Genießer (O) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (R) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (O) | ZG Städte-Genießer (R)
Kiemelt rendezvény
2025. 06. 28.
  • Információ


Whisky World Tour

Whisky is not the same as whiskey – and it's not just a question of spelling.

Tastings from the classic whisky countries Scotland, Ireland, USA, Japan, Canada, and a surprise show,

what a variety of flavors can be extracted through country-specific variations of a seemingly simple basic recipe.

Reservation required!
