Frühlingserwachen im Walderlebniszentrum Soonwald
Walderlebniszentrum Soonwald, Neupfalz 1 | Schöneberg | Ferienregion Langenlonsheim-Stromberg | Naheland | Rheinland-Pfalz
Neupfalz 1, DE-55444, Schöneberg
2025. okt. 4., Szo
10:00, 2 Óra (órák)
Egészség & wellness (wellness / relaxáció) | Sport (különféle sportok)
ZG Vielseitig Aktive (R) | Sport | Outdoor | Nature / geology | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (O) | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (L) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (L) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (R) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (O) | Család
Kiemelt rendezvény
2025. 10. 04.
Autumn, with all its variety, invites us to connect with nature and consciously experience the beauty of the season. How wonderful it is for us to walk through autumn leaves and hear the rustling of the leaves, breathe in the earthy air, and consciously perceive the vibrant colors. The season stands for letting go and inner cleansing, but also for releasing blockages to find clarity. In the Qi Gong Autumn Magic, we get to know the autumn meridians and practice them with gentle Qi Gong exercises. Therefore, it is ideal for adult returners or beginners who enjoy movement and the fresh forest air.
Feel strengthened and refreshed for everyday life after the practice afternoon.
- Location: Walderlebniszentrum Soonwald, Neupfalz 1, 55444 Schöneberg
- Instructor: Manuela Gumbrich (Qi Gong teacher)
- Target group: Adults (max. 15 people)
- Cost: 12.00 € / person
- Duration: approx. 2 hours
- Registration and additional info:
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