Rümmelsheimer Weihnachtsmarkt
Schlossgut Diel in Burg-Layen | Rümmelsheim | Ferienregion Langenlonsheim-Stromberg | Naheland | Rheinland-Pfalz
2025. nov. 29., Szo
- További időpontok
16:00 | 14:00
Advent / Karácsony / Újév (adventi/karácsonyi vásár)
Christmas/New Year's Eve | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (R) | Ünnepek/ünnepségek | Gyermek | Tél | Culinary | Család | ZG Städte-Genießer (R) | Holidays
Kiemelt rendezvény
2025. 11. 29.
Beautiful Christmas market on the first weekend in December in Burg-Layen at the foot of the castle, courtyards of the Diel and Weinheimer Hof wineries. Spend some contemplative hours in an Advent atmosphere with your family during the pre-Christmas season.
The Nikolaus will be expected on Sunday, November 30, 2025, at 5 PM and will be musically welcomed by the musicians of KKM Rümmelsheim.
The local clubs and groups of the community offer a selection of warm food and drinks.
More info at www.ruemmelsheim.de
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