Pilgrimage in silence
ev. Kirche Bad Sobernheim | Bad Sobernheim | Ferienregion Nahe-Glan | Naheland | Rheinland-Pfalz
Unter den Fichten 1, DE-55566, Meddersheim
26 Жов 2025 р.
11:00, 5 Година (и)
Hildegard von Bingen
Оздоровлення та зміцнення організму (оздоровлення / релаксація) | Business segments (Natur & Aktiv (Saisonverlängerung)) | Екскурсії / поїздки / тури (Geführte Wanderungen, екскурсія, оглядові екскурсії / тури, різні поїздки / екскурсії) | Курси / семінари (різні курси, семінари, практикуми) | Спорт (походи в гори)
ZG Kultur- und Landschaftsliebhaber (O) | Hildegard v. Bingen | Outdoor | Здоров'я / Велнес | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (L) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (L) | ZG Nur Wanderer (R) | ZG Nur Wanderer (O) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (R) | ZG Kultur- und Landschaftsliebhaber (R) | ZG Kultur- und Landschaftsliebhaber (L) | Спорт/на свіжому повітрі | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (O) | Піший туризм | ZG Nur Wanderer (L)
Топ подія
We walk along the Hildegardweg from Bad Sobernheim to Disibodenberg, each of us in silence. It may feel a little unusual, but in silence we can be completely with ourselves, perceive nature and the landscape more intensely and experience much more depth in mindfulness than when we are distracted on the outside.
We would like to walk the labyrinth in silence with you on the Disibodenberg. We can explore the question of what the labyrinth has to do with our own life labyrinth.
It is about feeling, self-awareness and depth. Here you can come into contact with the hidden forces that help us to continue through the individual labyrinth of life.
Turns and twists lead us to insights and, via the centre, to ourselves. A journey of discovery begins. It leads us to our destination, often in a different way than we think or hope. Perhaps you will find your common thread in life, because the labyrinth is not an aberration. It is often only a change of perspective that makes you realise the common thread or the meaning of life. An exciting journey to yourself.
Afterwards, everyone has the opportunity to linger on the Disibodenberg or visit the museum.