24 Stunden von Rheinland-Pfalz
Hennweiler | Hennweiler | Ferienregion Kirn-Land | Naheland | Rheinland-Pfalz
Bahnhofstrasse 31, DE-55606, Kirn
21 Чер 2025 р.
- більше дат
08:00, 2 День (і)
Екскурсії / поїздки / тури (гірський тур) | Спорт (походи в гори)
ZG Vielseitig Aktive (R) | Природа/Геологія | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (O) | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (L) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (L) | ZG Nur Wanderer (R) | ZG Nur Wanderer (O) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (R) | Спорт/на свіжому повітрі | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (O) | Піший туризм | ZG Nur Wanderer (L) | Групи
Топ подія
Charity hiking: An idea that hits the spirit of the times.
24 hours from Rhineland-Palatinate on June 21 and 22, 2024
On the charity hike “24 hours from Rhineland-Palatinate” “people like you and me” can safely reach their limits. Experienced athletes should feel just as addressed as sporty amateurs who want to surpass themselves. The important thing is: Everyone is a winner here! The 24-hour hike is not a timed competition, but a personal challenge - combined with the feeling of accomplishing something special, of going to your individual limits and doing something good at the same time. The entry fee for participation is 20 euros and we ask for a donation. This minimum donation is 1 euro per kilometer. With 3 loops of approx. 72 km in length, at least 72 euros per person will be donated. Since almost all costs of the event are borne by sponsors, the donations go without deductions to aid organizations in Rhineland-Palatinate. The sporting goal is always to push the limits in a group of like-minded people. With its wide range, the hiking event appeals to people of all ages. At the same time, events of this magnitude in the Hunsrück tourist region attract nationwide attention. The donation proceeds of at least 72 euros per participant - with a minimum donation of 1 euro per kilometer and person - goes 1:1 to the supported children's charities.