Wildkräuter vielfältig erleben
Walderlebniszentrum Soonwald, Neupfalz 1 | Schöneberg | Ferienregion Langenlonsheim-Stromberg | Naheland | Rheinland-Pfalz
Neupfalz 1, DE-55444, Schöneberg
Телефон: (0049) 6131 884267900
Мобільний телефон: (0049) 06724 / 603699-0
Електронна пошта
Домашня сторінка
25 Тра 2025 р.
10:00, 7 Година (и)
Екскурсії / поїздки / тури (Geführte Wanderungen, різні поїздки / екскурсії) | Курси / семінари (різні курси, семінари, практикуми)
ZG Vielseitig Aktive (R) | Outdoor | Природа/Геологія | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (O) | ZG Vielseitig Aktive (L) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (L) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (R) | ZG Aktive Naturgenießer (O) | Родина
Топ подія
Learning to love nettles and co - how is the network of nature connected to us, the plants, and animals? Together we will visit our wild herb area at the forest experience center with its flora and fauna, and learn a lot about the relational network of nature through a creative, informative, and varied day's program, while engaging in activities addressing the following questions:
- why wild herbs are not weeds
- how wild herbs contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in nature
- how important regional seeds are and why it's worth being lazy in the garden
- how to create a wild herb area in my garden
- what other design options I can integrate into my garden
- how to make natural dyes: how does that work?
- how delicious and healthy I can eat using wild herbs without much effort
Location: Walderlebniszentrum Soonwald
Speaker: Silke Radau (Certified Forest Educator)
Target Group: Adults (max. 15-20 people)
Duration: approx. 7 hours
Cost: 40 € / person (self-catering)
Registration and additional information: www.wald.rlp.de/walderlebniszentrum-soonwald/veranstaltungen, Tel. 06131 884267900 or via email at walderlebniszentrum@wald-rlp.de
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